Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Dan Ronco writes in the tradition of Philip K. Dick

Unholy Domain, my new novel, has been compared by other writers to the works of legendary science fiction author Philip K. Dick. I'm honored to be mentioned in the same breath with the creator of Blade Runner, Minority Report and other classics. In Unholy Domain, I've followed Dick's investigations into the dark new worlds of the near future.

"Unholy Domain tackles the age-old battle of scientific enlightenment and reason vs. religious fanaticism. In a future world ravaged by technology two factions fight for supremacy. Dan Ronco tells a tale that is unique, provocative, and engrossing while maintaining enough slam-bang action to keep you turning the pages. It reads like a cross between Blade Runner and Angels and Demons." --R. Douglas Weber, author of Solomon's Key: The CODIS Project

"Dan Ronco fills the gap left by Philip K. Dick with Unholy Domain."--Simon Wood, the Anthony Award winning author of Paying the Piper

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